2 Feb | Posted by CTRF | no comments |
Message from our Membership Secretary, Jane Metcalf-Sault:
This is just a gentle reminder to say that the annual subs of £5 became due for the ‘Friends’ of the CTRF on the
1st January 2022.
Hello Friends of CTRF,
As we all know, subs are due on 1st January annually. We’re in February now and I haven’t received as many as usual for this time of year. I am therefore just issuing a gentle reminder in case there are previous members who wish to continue as a Friend but who may have forgotten.
We have fortunately had some new applicants but appear to have lost some of our older Friends, some of whom have been with us for many years. They are missed.
How to join and/or renew membership:
Mrs Jane Metcalf-Sault
4 Cort Drive
Staffs. WS7 9LW
If you want to join and become a Friend for £5 per annum just follow this link. You receive a magazine each year with all the happy ever after stories and other Cairn related things.
This last year has been a difficult time for us all so we appreciate that there has been other priorities in people’s lives. We hope that you are all keeping as well as you can and we look forward to our continued friendship.
With best wishes,
Membership Secretary, Friends of the Cairn Terrier Relief Fund.
Registered Charity : 803599
* Posted 2nd February 2022.
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