Become A ‘Friend’

How Can You Help?

You can help the CTRF by becoming a “Friend” of the Charity and through voluntary work. Download the application form or complete the online form below to Become A Friend of the CTRF.

To become a Friend we ask a small membership fee of just GBP 5 a year and for this you receive an annual newsletter with an update of the CTRF activities, together with stories, events and other items of interest.

A Friend may simply support the charity in this way by being a member, although others may wish to give further assistance either by offering a further donation or by choosing to do extra activities to assist Cairns in need, or by becoming a Volunteer Helper.

A Volunteer Helper can assist Cairn rescue dogs and their owners in whatever capacity he or she is willing and able, and in a variety of ways.

Volunteer Helpers may be able to help in collecting rescued Cairns or short-term boarding, or in assisting to transport dogs in need of rescue to a Trustee.

Other Volunteers are able to assist by helping the elderly, ill or disabled Cairn owners to walk or care for their dogs, offer practical help with dog walking, grooming, vet visits or even temporary boarding while the owner is in hospital. These actions allow such people to continue to enjoy the invaluable warm companionship their Cairn provides, and without such help they would not be able to keep a pet.

Some Volunteers help Trustees raise funds at “Cairn Fun Days” and fund raising events, or do other volunteer actions to help the charity, by running stalls, help with catering, & experienced members run dog agility and fun dog competitions or dog grooming demonstrations.

    Membership Registration

    Please enrol me as a member of the Cairn Terrier Relief Fund.

    My annual subscription of GBP 5.00 will be made through PayPal on submitting this form - please choose the Family & Friends option giving your name, address and phone number in the Paypal comment field. Your subscription is renewable annually on 1st January.

    Please complete all fields below.

    Do you wish to join the register of Volunteer Helpers? YesNo

    Data Protection

    Your details will NEVER be passed to third parties but we would like to keep you up to date on events, news and newsletters from Cairn Terrier Relief Fund, which also includes the Friends of Cairn Terrier Relief Fund. By submitting this form, you are giving your consent to your details being used on our mailing lists for the above publications and events, etc.


    Please wait until you receive the confirmation message that your application has sent.

    Now please go to PayPal and make your payment to [email protected]

    Remember to select the Friends & Family option, and note your name and address in the comments field when sending money through PayPal.

    Please tick the box indicated if you wish to volunteer further help or services or are willing to assist in transporting rescue Cairns or give short term boarding. If you wish to discuss further assisting the CTRF please write to The Secretary at the address on the Contact Us page, or contact your nearest Trustee, as listed on the Trustees page.

    If you are already a member you can renew / pay your annual subscription of GBP 5 by sending a cheque to Jane Metcalf Sault, 4 Cort Drive, Burntwood, Staffs WS7 9LW – making the cheque payable to ‘Friends of the CTRF” or directly through PayPal to [email protected] adding your name and address in the comments field.

    Your Donations To CTRF: What They Buy

    The CTRF very much relies on donations to fund the cost to rescue and care for Cairn Terriers in need. These funds are crucial to the rescue work and make our actions possible

    Your donations currently provide help for rescued Cairns, their veterinary treatment, boarding and transport to care.

    Anyone who would like to make a donation to CTRF may do so by sending a cheque or postal order to The Secretary, or by using the Paypal link at the bottom of this page.

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